搬词砖:officer / official

20200629答案:1. refers 2. reference 3. referred 4. referring 5. referred 6

20200629答案:1. refers 2. reference 3. referred 4. referring 5. referred 6. is referred 把…送往7. referring 8. refer to 9. to 10. it


1. In 1997, the Ancient City of Pingyao was __________ (official) listed as a world cultural heritage site by UNESCO.

2. But then we got __________ official letter and we were blown away. We are so proud of her. It's wonderful. (2019全国Ⅱ卷)

搬词砖:officer / official

3. Last week some city __________ (official) suggested the city might be interested in turning the old theater into a museum and public meeting place.

4. __________ official at the railway station said the train would arrive late. 火车站的一位官员说这列火车将晚点到达。

5. __________ officer took a medal from his own uniform and put it on the boy's shirt. 一位军官从自己的军装上摘下一枚奖章,别在男孩的衬衣上。

答案:1. officially 2. an 3. officials n. 官员 4. An 5. An

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