动词“to get”在英语中有很多种用法,有时会让人混淆。下面列出了“to get”的十大用法,并附有简单的解释和例句。当然,这些并不是“得到”的全部含义。事实上,有很多动词短语带有“to get”。这个列表是为中级水平的学习者提供这个重要动词的主要词义。
To Acquire
Get =获得,购买,拥有某物。
She got a lot of paintings from her uncle.They got a new pet.Get your results the next day.I got my computer at the Apple store.
To Become
Get =成为,改变成一种状态,常与形容词连用。
He got annoyed when he heard the bad news.It must be getting more serious.Janice has gotten much more open in her attitudes.Please don't get angry with me!
To Receive
Get =得到一份礼物,获得关注。
I got some clothes for Christmas.His movie got a good review.I got some books from my girlfriend.What would you like to get for your birthday?
To Arrive
Get =到达,到达目的地。
She got home at 7 o'clock.She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight.I got to work late because of the weather.I won't be able to get there until later.
To Bring
Get =带,取,去拿或拿回来。
Get me those books over there, please.Could you get the wine?Let me get the shovel and we'll go to work.I'll just get my phone and then we can leave.
To Experience
Get =经历,经受,精神或身体状态或经历。
He got an idea. She gets vertigo when she looks out the window.They get nauseous when they drive.Peter got frightened by what he thought was a ghost.
To Make
Get =使,得分,达到一分或目标。
Nicklaus got a 70 on that extremely difficult golf course.The Brazilian team got 4 goals.She got 29 points that day.Anthony got 12 rebounds during the game.
To Contract
Get =感染,得到,被疾病折磨,成为疾病的受害者。
He got a horrible disease while he was traveling. She got pneumonia and had to go to the hospital.She got a cold from Tom.Unfortunately, I got ill from drinking the water while on vacation.
To Induce
Get =诱导,刺激,引起,使某人做某事,使某人做某事;使以某种方式行动,后面总是跟着一个宾语。
My children finally got me to buy a computer.My wife got me to pay attention to the speaker.The class got the teacher to postpone the test. I wish I could get them to take me seriously!
To Pay Back
Get =偿还,报复或了断
We'll get them! That'll get him good!This time I got him.Just wait until I get you!
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