
今天开始为大家带来《Python程序设计》的学习。今天的内容是第一章——Python入门,主要内容有Python概述和程序开发。Today we



Today we start to bring you the study of Python Programming. Today's content is Chapter 1 – Getting Started with Python, which focuses on Python overview and program development.






(1) Introduction to Python: Python is a high-level combination of interpreted, compiled, interactive and object-oriented scripting language that supports imperative programming, functional programming and object-oriented programming, and has a wide range of application areas.

(2) Features of Python: Compared with other programming languages, Python has many advantages, such as: easy to learn, portability, interpretability, object-oriented, extensibility and embeddability, rich libraries and modules. However, compared with C, C++ and other programming languages, Python programs run slower.

(3) Applications of Python: Python is widely used in various fields, such as: conventional software development, scientific computing and data *ysis, web crawlers (also known as web spiders, which are the core tools for acquiring data in the big data industry, and Python is the main programming language for writing web crawlers), web application development, system network operation and maintenance, artificial intelligence and machine learning.















IDLE是Python内置的集成开发环境,由Python安装包提供,是Python自带的文本编辑器,选择“开始”——“所有程序”——“Python 3.7”,运行IDLE。和Windows命令行方式一样,在Python自带的IDLE中,也可以以交互模式或脚本模式开发Python程序。

(1) Program Operation Modes

Python programs can be run in both interactive and scripting modes

① Interactive mode operation. If the program is simple and the code is all, you can use the interactive mode to develop Python programs. How to run: Type Python command in Python command line interface, enter and run, and get the running result.

②Run in script mode. Python code with complex functions is large, so it is usually run in script mode, that is, use a text editing software (such as Notepad) to write Python source code, save it to a source file with the extension .py, and then execute it with the Python interpreter.

(2) Developing Python programs using Pyhon's own tools

There are two ways to develop Python programs: the Windows command line method and the IDLE method.

①Windows command line method

In the Windows command line method, Python programs can be programmed in interactive mode and scripting mode.

a. Interactive mode programming: Interactive mode programming only requires entering Python statements in the Python environment and running them with a carriage return to get the running results.

b. Scripting mode programming: Scripting mode programming requires writing Python source files first, and then executing them with the Python interpreter under the Windows command line.

②IDLE method

IDLE is Python's built-in integrated development environment, provided by the Python installation package, which is Python's own text editor. "As with the Windows command line method, you can develop Python programs in interactive or scripting mode in the IDLE that comes with Python. Python programs.



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