
on/off 的用法(1)on 和 off 用于电器的开启或关闭我们说:the light is on / put the light on /

on/off 的用法(1)


on 和 off 用于电器的开启或关闭


the light is on / put the light on / leave the light on etc.

turn the light on/off or switch the light on/off

Shall I leave the lights on or turn them off?

‘Is the heating on?’ ‘No, I switched it off.’


put (music, a song) on, put the kettle on:

Let’s put some music on. What would you like to hear?

We need boiling water, so I’ll put the kettle on.

on 和 off 用于事件的发生或结束

go on = happen

What’s all that noise? What’s going on? (= what’s happening)

call something off = cancel it

The concert in the park had to be called off because of the weather.

put something off, put off doing something = delay it

The election has been put off until January.

We can’t put off making a decision. We have to decide now.

on 和 off 用于衣服的穿戴或脱下.

put on clothes, glasses, make-up, a seat belt etc.

My hands were cold, so I put my gloves on.

put on weight = get heavier

I’ve put on two kilos in the last month.

try on clothes (to see if they fit)

I tried on a jacket in the shop, but it didn’t look right.

take off clothes, glasses etc.

It was warm, so I took off my coat.

off = 离开某地或某人

be off (to a place)

Tomorrow I’m off to Paris. / I’m off on holiday.

(= I’m going to Paris / I’m going on holiday)

walk off / run off / drive off / ride off / go off (similar to walk away / run away etc.)

Anna got on her bike and rode off.

Mark left home at the age of eighteen and went off to Canada.

set off = start a journey

We set off early to avoid the traffic. (= We left early)

take off = leave the ground (for planes)

After a long delay, the plane finally took off.

see somebody off = go with them to the airport/station to say goodbye

Helen was going away. We went to the station with her to see her off.

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